BED: Bi-Encoder-Decoder Model for Canonical Relation Extraction

Published in arXiv, 2020

Nantao Zheng, Siyu Long, Xinyu Dai

Canonical relation extraction aims to extract relational triples from sentences, where the triple elements (entity pairs and their relationship) are mapped to the knowledge base. Recently, methods based on the encoder-decoder architecture are proposed and achieve promising results. However, these methods cannot well utilize the entity information, which is merely used as augmented training data. Moreover, they are incapable of representing novel entities, since no embeddings have been learned for them. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, Bi-Encoder-Decoder (BED), to solve the above issues. Specifically, to fully utilize entity information, we employ an encoder to encode semantics of this information, leading to high-quality entity representations. For novel entities, given a trained entity encoder, their representations can be easily generated. Experimental results on two datasets show that, our method achieves a significant performance improvement over the previous state-of-the-art and handle novel entities well without retraining.

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